Safety Town - Pop Ups New!

Safety Town Pop-Ups is an exciting and interactive field trip program designed to educate children about important safety topics in a fun and engaging way. Our pop-up events bring the concepts of Safety Town directly to schools and community centers, making learning accessible and enjoyable for children of all ages.

During a Safety Town Pop-Up event, children have the opportunity to:

  1. Learn Vital Safety Skills: Through hands-on activities, demonstrations, and role-playing exercises, children learn essential safety skills such as pedestrian safety, fire safety, stranger danger awareness, and more.
  2. Explore Safety Stations: Children rotate through different safety stations, each focusing on a specific safety topic. From traffic signals and crosswalks to fire drills and emergency preparedness, our stations cover a wide range of safety concepts in an interactive and memorable way.
  3. Engage with Safety Experts: Our events feature presentations and demonstrations by safety professionals, including firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and community safety educators. Children have the opportunity to interact with these experts, ask questions, and learn from real-life safety experiences.
  4. Have Fun While Learning: Safety Town Pop-Ups are designed to be both educational and entertaining, with games, activities, and challenges that reinforce safety principles in a playful and memorable manner.

With Safety Town Pop-Ups, we aim to empower children with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe in various situations, both at home and in their communities. Book a Safety Town Pop-Up event for your school or organization today and join us in creating a safer, more resilient future for our children.

Information Request
Safety Town
Summer Camp
After School
Field Trips
Virtual Exploration