Katy Wiggs
Katy WiggsFounder of SC Career Kids
SC Career Kids is made up of a diversified group of individuals from all over the Midlands and the upstate of South Carolina. Meet Katy, she is the founder of SC Career Kids. Katy is a wife, mother of two young children, and an educator in South Carolina. She is viewed as a pioneer in virtual education in the Palmetto State. Katy’s philosophy of education has shifted during the Covid pandemic. Her focus is on teaching students to problem-solve, communicate, collaborate, and innovate. Katy’s professional passion is to collaborate with future big thinkers in South Carolina to address the need for career exploration to begin as early as preschool. Katy graduated from the University of Dayton with a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s Degree in Literacy.

Executive Board

Dr. John Waddell

Adam Hoots
Construction ACHE Solutions

Dr. John Waddell

Carter Seibels
Women Shops World

Dr. John Waddell

Dr. John Waddell
Chief Executive of Via Hope


David Fuller
Lead Instructor at Indtai, Inc.

Libby Hendley
Moore School of Business (Rt)

Tom Ledbetter
AVP, Midlands Tech

Lt. Col. Herb Rentz
US Army (Rt)

Our Staff

Dr. John Waddell

Taylor Thigpen
Program Director, Safety Town

Dr. John Waddell

Brian Stinson
Social Media & Marketing

Dr. John Waddell

Mia Wilkins
Website & Engagement

Dr. John Waddell

Susan Adams
Head Education Volunteer

Dr. John Waddell

Rosa Caudle
IES & Safety Town

Dr. John Waddell

Phyllis McCallum
IES & Safety Town

Dr. John Waddell

Beth Lechner
Program Director, Career Ed.