Our Team

Katy Wiggs
Founder SC Career Kids
Katy is a wife, mother of two young children, and an educator in South Carolina. She is viewed as a pioneer in virtual education in the Palmetto State.
Katy’s philosophy of education has shifted during the Covid pandemic. Her focus is on teaching students to problem-solve, communicate, collaborate, and innovate.
Katy’s professional passion is to collaborate with future big thinkers in South Carolina to address the need for career exploration to begin as early as preschool.
Katy graduated from the University of Dayton with a B.A. in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s Degree in Literacy.

Adam Hoots
Adam began his career in the construction industry as a plumber’s helper and then as a red-line architect’s helper while attending the University of South Florida. Over the past 20 years, he has steadily advanced his career and has held a variety of roles within the industry. Adam has successfully completed more than $1.5 billion in pre-construction and construction services for a diverse group of industries, including: healthcare, higher education, industrial, life science, retail, and hospitality. Most projects have been in life science and high-tech laboratory construction for clients, such as: Stanford University, Oregon Health Science University, National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) and the University of Florida (NIMET). A highly technical builder, Adam excels in efficiency, action, visual communication, and continuous improvement using Lean principles. As an avid, life-long learner, Adam has earned numerous credentials. His achievements include Lean Construction Coaching Professional (LCCP), Green Globes Certified, LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design and Construction, BCSP STS-C, AGC CM Lean, Takt Master, and Scrum Master. Adam is passionate about elevating and empowering the construction industry partners and those around him. He works hard to drive respect to our skilled craft professionals, and intentionally creates environments where capability development and innovation are encouraged. He serves on several community boards, including Skilled Trades Alliance (www.skilledtradesalliance.net), kidSney (www.kidSney.org), National Kidney Foundation (www.nkf.org), RECAB (Regional Education Center for Advisory Board – Greenville, SC) and SC Career Kids (www.sccareerkids.com). Adam is proud to continue his service to the construction industry through his coaching business Construction ACHE Solutions.

Taylor Thigpen
Program Director SC Career Kids
Taylor was born and raised in South Carolina, where she graduated from Irmo High School. She is an educator in South Carolina and has held the role of a University Supervisor, where she guides and equips new generations of teachers.
Taylor’s connection with Katy Wiggs (Founder of SC Career Kids) during the Covid pandemic allowed her to experience a new and exciting perspective on education. She realized the vital need for exploration, collaboration, and play across early childhood and elementary education. During the 2020-2021 school year, Taylor experienced what it was truly like to be a facilitator to allow students to learn through natural exploration and genuine experiences rather than through a traditional classroom setting.
Taylor graduated from Columbia International University with a B.A. in Bible and a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education.

Fran Knudsen
Fran graduated from College of Charleston with a degree in Marketing and a Master’s in Revenue Management. After school, Fran branched out into the world of entrepreneurship to open Blūm Coffee in Columbia, SC. Blūm Coffee strives to provide a bright and modern atmosphere, great coffee, and above all, exemplary customer service. Today, Blūm is expanding to a second location in Charleston with hopes to continue growing!
Fran has joined SC Career Kids because she is passionate about teaching entrepreneurship to the next generations. Showing children their potential and opportunities at a young age can be so inspiring for them and help to place them on a path to success. She looks forward to working with SC Career Kids as it helps shape the future workforce!

Andy Henderson
Dr. Andrew Henderson is currently the President of Hendtech LLC and Advisor to Praemo Inc. He has over 15 years of experience in advanced technology, data acquisition, data analysis, and process and system modeling. Prior to starting Hendtech, he led the technology team at Praemo, overseeing the technology development from concept to product. He has held roles within Fortune 100 industrial companies that spanned from product testing and development to leading projects that transform manufacturing operations with new and advanced technology.
Andy is actively engaged in the research and academic communities. He is currently the Chair of the External Advisory Board for an NSF funded graduate traineeship program at Clemson University called THINKER, a community representative for the Future Of Manufacturing Network: Cyberphysical Systems In Machining And Machine Tools at UNCC, and a member of ASME’s Intelligent Manufacturing Group. Additionally, he is an active member of SME’s Smart Manufacturing Executive Committee.
Andy earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his PhD in Automotive Engineering from Clemson University.
Professional Web Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andyhend/
Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Manufacturing Process Development, Continuous Improvement, Manufacturing Technology, Machining, Machining Exotic Alloys
Libby Hendley
Libby worked for the Moore School of Business at UofSC for over 35 years in many roles from a business manager in a research unit to the managing director of the Professional MBA Program. She partnered with many of SC’s industries and employers such as BMW and Boeing, to provide educational
opportunities for their employees.
After joining the SC Career Kids team in June 2022 as a summer career camp volunteer, Libby now works with local organizations to create awareness of SC Career Kids’ mission and activities. She is a lifelong resident of South Carolina and attended Columbia College. Libby has served as a board member of Interfaith Partners of SC for over 10 years and recently joined the Irmo Outreach team.